hi all,
today was a tough day at work for me. i made a mistake on friday--not a huge mistake but a mistake none the less and then i added to my own trouble but not admitting it straight away. the reason i didnt admit it right away is that i thought i was right. i was digging my heels in about being right when i was actually wrong. it sucks being wrong but being wrong when you really think you are right is the worst of all. i spent all weekend sort of mulling it over. i was initially angry. then more angry. then quitting. then just never going back. then writing a mean letter. then...then...i just stopped. i stopped thinking about it. i put it on hold. i let it sink in.
i went to work on monday. i tried to just be open. think clearly. stay strong but take ownership and be dignified. i tried not to act defensive or like a mad child. and it actually worked. i admitted my mistake. i apologized. i reflected on why i thought i hesitated to admit my mistake (my big fat ego who just loves to be right) and then i said i was sorry and that i would try to not let that mistake happen again. the result was not ground breaking but i did feel better and the situation seemed to improve. i felt that i had for once in my life accepted responsibility but not gone overboard. i mean i took ownership of my part but not anyone else's. also, i didnt feel scared or intimidated or bad. i felt like a strong and centered woman. not a girl but a woman.
i know that may sound silly considering i am 37 years old but the truth is that i dont always find it easy to actually use or own my power. i give it away all over the place when i am not paying attention. today, i paid attention. i kept my power. i was not afraid of it. i was not afraid at all. i learned a lesson tonite about mistakes and dignity and being an adult. it felt good to be an adult doing the right thing in front of kids who dont often see adults doing that or even trying to. this feeling of being proud of myself has been arriving more frequently lately as i work harder to be strong and real.
i am working on my body and my mind. i am eating right or trying to. i am exercising some--doing yoga mostly and trying to be aware of my body and breathing. i feel like finally i am learning how to be the person that i always wanted to be. i hope you are learning to be who you want to be too. i hope you are learning and not giving up and making mistakes and starting again. i hope we can all do this together. maybe just maybe we'll end up proud of ourselves...xx