Sunday, November 8, 2015

Where I am.


Where I am.

It feels like nowhere here.

Nowhere I've been before. Nowhere I want to go. Nowhere I understand how to get anywhere from. New. Blank. Scary. Mean. Sad. Small. Ugly.

Paper cuts all over me. Inside of me. Outside of me. I don't know where they came from. I want Band-Aids. I want healing. Everything feels too small to see or touch, but still somehow there. This pain is not how I want it. I want the pain big. A giant gash or cut that bleeds everywhere. Instead it's dull, aching. I'm scared it's chronic. I'm scared it's forever.

I want to be told what to do.

I want to be told what to do.

I want to be told what to do.

I am not told. I am asking. I am staring at white sky. I am looking for signs. I am looking for meaning. Symbols. I am pleading with no one. I am mad at everyone.

Somewhere from here there is healing.  I am pinned down on black velvet. Awaiting directions. Awaiting coordinates.

I will wait.

I will wait.

I will wait.