Thursday, February 3, 2011

goals, values, and change

hi friends. i read somewhere that the greatest predictor of what you'll do today is what you did yesterday. that said, it stands to reason that at some point in the change process you choose a day and do something different then the day before. why or how you choose that day is irrelevant almost--it is just that you did it. recovery at the core, to me, is about action. it is about actually making the change one day and then following thru the next day for one day at a time.

i learned all of this in 12 step meetings but it is applicable to everything. it seems that all change follows a similar trajectory--as, i think, do all of our failed attempts at change. the point is that in my super humble opinion we are all always in the process of changing something or being changed by something. if we are intentionally making a change, setting a goal etc then we can work on that change. sometimes though it feels to me like life on the outside is changing and i am just going along for the ride.

a more zen person might embrace the ride more readily but i seem to kick and scream the whole time demanding to know where i am going--and like a child wondering when we'll get there. i dont know if taking charge of changes in our lives makes us feel somehow more in control of the inevitable changes that happen in our life. i suspect it does which is interesting.

for myself i am working hard on breaking thru a number of different self defeating bad habits--way too much sugar, not enough exercise, and lazy parenting (i.e. allowing them my same bad habits + tv). it takes work not to beat myself down for developing these habits and even more work to change them. i am happily done with day 2 of yoga and already have a plan for day 3. fingers crossed i write and think but deep down we both know it is not about the fingers at all. it is about the real and true action which generally (at least in my life) means a real plan first.

i'll keep you posted on my progress--and rest assured--though i hate the sugar and tv and laziness i am not at all confused about how far i have come. 6 going on 7 years without a drink or drug to soften the world of this almost adult it still worth a pat on my own back. we cant do it alone, so lets not try and lets not beat ourselves up either. lets just set a goal, make a plan, and take action. here's to a healthier february for us all. xxk

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