Friday, September 24, 2010

under construction

hi all. yesterday while driving down a road near my new house that is under construction i had this new thought. for days i've been feeling silently somewhat resentful about the traffic, the one lane business, the waiting etc. then yesterday i got to drive on the new part of the road. it was all smooth and new and nice. i realized that if i want a nice new smooth road then i have to accept some inconvenience in order to allow it to be fixed. light bulb moment. isnt life really like this? sometimes all of us are sort of "under construction." they arent any men with orange flags letting people know but maybe there should be. i guess what i mean is that if we want to change ourselves, for the better, then we have to be prepared for things to be a little rocky for a while. we have to give ourselves the time and space to be under construction--maybe this is just an hour or a day or maybe it is weeks, months, or even a year but the reminder is that there really is no growth, change, or progress without some pain, inconvenience, and waiting. i am too tired to write more but i thought this was...well, worth stating, if only for me to remember. thanks for listening again. xxk

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