Thursday, January 21, 2010

some days are better then others

Yesterday was terrible. Today was ok. I am hopeful for tomorrow. I could go on and on about why yesterday sucked. So many reasons, so little time. Sick child. Money stuff. Relationship stuff. Work stuff. Sucked. Everywhere I turned seemed to be another problem that I was confronted with. While I generally enjoy a good challenge--too many good challenges and I feel overwhelemd. When that happens nothing feels good and I start to feel like I am going to explode if I dont find a way to decompress a little. I know, not so hard to figure out, I used to drink to decompress. Now, I either run or write or when all else fails I try to focus on breathing and nothing else. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. Yesterday nothing worked, no time to run, too frustrated to write, too everything to do anything. The saving grace of yesterday was that my neti pot worked and my cold felt better. My daughter got antibiotics. My work issue got worked thru. In other words, thru the bad there was good. I love the quote that the only way around is thru. It has helped me so many times in recovery, in life. Some days are better then others bc sometimes the road thru is easy and sometimes it is long and dark. Luckily, sober I can find my way thru stuff a lot faster and with a little more grace then before. Also, as a bonus to a long day, at the end of today I found out that at least one person besides my mom (no offense mom) reads my blog at least once in a while or at least has checked it out. Sometimes being heard is enough. Here's to a sober today and a better tomorrow. xx

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