Wednesday, February 24, 2010

living in the solution

here it is. so, in recovery, for anyone reading who is not in recovery...there are all of these slogans. one of them is "you need to live in the solution, not live in the problem." in early recovery i had lots of post-it notes all over my apt with these sort of slogans. the solution one and this one "happiness is the by product of right action." i would read them constantly and they would help me to recenter myself and they would remind me to stop the negative thinking. when i was living in this way. when my intention was very focused on having a disciplined mind, i was truly the happiest that i have ever been. and this was also when i was not doing that much except not drinking anymore and sitting in church basements like 7 nights a week. i felt connected to the universe and more specifically to people, to real people. not plastic perfect people but real people who had problems but were honest and getting better, these people i see as my people. the broken but strong ones.

recently i heard this acronym...hope is hearing other peoples experiences. i found it so inspiring and so true--at least for me. here we all are, many of us in our homes, alone at night, looking at screens and reaching out. if i think about that, about us all connected even if us all is just me and one person who someday reads this. i feel better. solid. grounded. i realize for me i need to focus on my relationships, on the people who are in my life and that is all. because down deep in me, very deep, i know that is who I am. that is what matters to me. the other stuff it is me losing myself and revealing my flaws (greed, envy, selfishness)...i know we all have our own set of flaws but i dont want to be thinking in this way bc it really does not represent who i actually am. what i actually want. i need to come back to myself. i need to begin to go back to thinking like a beginner. to live in the solution again. to everyday live with the intention of right thinking. this is my way back. and here i leave you with the last of my favorite slogans for the night and so relevant...the only way around is thru....xx

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